Saturday 13 August 2011


The riots in London and its surrounding façade in Britain are a backhanded tribute to the long-term intellectual torpor, moral cowardice, incompetence and careerist opportunism of the British political and intellectual class.

They have confirmed what I long knew and have long discoursed to my disbelieving but totally unobservant fellows: that young British people are among the most unpleasant and potentially violent young populace in the world. It took determination on the part of the people around me not to notice it.

They somehow managed to disregard what has long been apparent to anyone who has taken a short walk with his eyes open down any frequented British street: that a considerable proportion of the country's young population; which at lengths is a proportion that is declining as a matter of fact, is ugly, aggressive, vicious, badly educated, uncouth and criminally inclined; making them  appear to get murderously angry over trifles and direct real and frightening hatred at a person who has offended them in some very slight way. Tempers flare over nothing.

Unfortunately, while it is totally lacking in self-respect, it is full of self-esteem: that is to say, it believes itself entitled to a high standard of living, and other things, without any effort on its own part. The riots are a manifestation of a society in full decomposition, of a people with neither leaders nor followers but composed only of egotists. This completely summarizes the quick resort to violence and, not to forget,  the obvious taste for vandalism, of the modern British....This is now the British way of life.

Author : Faizan Ahab

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