Saturday 13 August 2011

Quotation Story

There was once a great warrior, his name was quotations, quote for short. He fought through many lands, to the depths of the ocean, the edges of our earth, in order to find what he longed for the most..freedom upon his words. Freedom in which, whatever he was to say, to do, would be forgotten, lost amongst the words and actions of this world.

 He lived a life full of desperation, hope, longing, depression, happiness, and a love, yet strong hate for his life. Until one day, he just gave up. He no longer wanted to search, as he knew he could never find it. Once a quotation, always a quotation. Once known for distinctive doings, never forgotten. So he just sat there. Amongst the other wondrous people of the world, reading words from their lips, he just sat there in awe. For he never knew that this whole time, the only reason why no one would let him be, was for he was something that they strived to learn from. To read, to listen. 

He was there for not a purpose, he was there to be remembered, to be forever stored away, even after death, as a figure of glory. People would write books about him. They would make movies about him. Blogs, newspapers, even possible figurines would be made. For he would make a mark in history, a mark in which would merely consist of his words, his actions and his being. 

He had never thought about his life to be something with such a meaning, not only to him self, but to others as well. No one would forget his face. No one would forget his words. They would mean something special, something different to each and every person there is on this planet. For his words mirrored himself, how he perceived living. How he saw change, sound, people, society. For what has been said can not be erased. Especially when you live a life as a quotation. 

So, moral of the story you ask? Even though, i personally did not know this young fella at all, this is a story in which i was told. You see, a quotation isn't always, just a simple few words, such as " Live your life to the full." or, " When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." It goes beyond that. There is always a story. Always a reason, always a point to why it was said, and by whom. You can't change that. You can't mould something that is already completed, into something else. Words are the best example of this, as like i said, once they are spoken they can not be erased. 

So i guess after all my rambling here, you understand my little story huh? Well one would hope so..
Basically, what i'm trying to say is this…

Don't see a quote to be just a mumble of words, said by some old famous guy that you only know about because you saw him on the history channel once. Seriously read what they have said, listen to it. Think of them as a story. The words are just as important as who spoke them. Let them carve themselves into your mind, store themselves away. Cause now, don't you see? Once you read a quote, it cannot be erased. It stays. Right there in that noggin of yours. That little story you got going there, it's not going to want to leave anytime soon. Trust me, there are quite a few in the head of mine…as this article here has sort of explained. But you understand now? Okay good, you better..because this would have been a total waste of time if you didn't. Really, i could have been doing something a lot more productive, instead of writing this to you losers WHO DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY- okay i'm sorry, a tad overboard.. SO, stay calm, and read yo quotes.
Im serious, do it. 

Author: Anna 
Copyrights Life n Style

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